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Chunpung M10
  • Chunpung M10


    -Type: hexacopter

    Width 1,810 x Height 495
    -Takeoff weight: 24.9kg
    -1 spray area: 3,000 pyeong
    -Flight time: 15min


    • product information

      Chunpung M10 is a combined agricultural drone that can spray pharmaceuticals and granules that are used throughout the agricultural industry. It is possible to minimize the damage (stability) of pesticide poisoning by using drones instead of human hands to perform control areas, fertilizer spraying, seed spraying, and direct sowing, which are difficult for existing farmers, and use drugs efficiently through low-altitude spraying. (economical), it has the advantage of being less affected by various environmental factors and operational expertise (efficiency) compared to the existing control methods (direct control, helicopter control, wide area control) and can control it.

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